Case Studies
TorouqeBusiness ltd
BRANDUPWISE – CASE STUDIES TORQUE BUSINESS LTD From 30 To 70+ B2B Clients In 18 Months. BACKGROUND Torque Business is a Presentation Skills Training
Textile Collective-Custom made
BRANDUPWISE – CASE STUDIES TEXTILE COLLECTIVE LTD Developed Website and Social Media Presence Background. BACKGROUND Textile Collective Ltd. works on a wide range of projects
Shelkam Engineering
BRANDUPWISE – CASE STUDIES SHELKAM ENGINEERING Developed Brand, Website and Facebook Ads. BACKGROUND Shelkam Engineering offers a full range of CNC machine services for all
Harveys Real Estate
BRANDUPWISE – CASE STUDIES HARVEYS REAL ESTATE Developed a Digital Marketing Strategy for a real estate agent for buying and selling homes. BACKGROUND Harveys Real
Geca Chartered Accountants
BRANDUPWISE – CASE STUDIES GECA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Generated 18 Leads through Developing a Landing Page and Running Facebook Ads. BACKGROUND GECA is a Virtual Accounting
Executive Advisory Board
BRANDUPWISE – CASE STUDIES EXECUTIVE ADVISORY BOARD Developed an Automated Marketing Lead Generation System with the focus on weekly continuous improvement. BACKGROUND As an effect