Top 9 Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a Video for Your Website

Top 9 Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a Video for Your Website

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Do you ever find yourself intrigued by a well-crafted video on a website and wonder how you may replicate its impact on your own business?

In the digital age, video content is an effective tool, but the creation process can be difficult. A well-crafted video for your website can attract customers, increase engagement, and drive conversions like no other.

Did you know that, according to HubSpot, 85% of businesses owe their boosted brand exposure to video marketing? It gets even more interesting: websites with videos are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google. That’s some very compelling stuff, demonstrating the fundamental worth of video content in sticking out in the digital world.

This blog will break down the nine most common video mistakes and provide practical recommendations for navigating them successfully.

Top 9 Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a Video for Your Website

Here are the top 9 mistakes to avoid when creating a video for your website, ensuring a compelling and engaging visual presence for your audience.

Top 9 Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a Video for Your Website

1. Ignoring Your Audience

One of the most common mistakes in creating video content for websites is failing to consider your audience’s tastes and expectations. When 62% of consumers are more likely to have a bad view of a brand as a result of low-quality video content, it is clear that recognising and catering to your audience is essential. 

To have a long-lasting impact, develop videos that not only present your message but also resonate with your target audience’s particular features and interests.

2. Lengthy Introductions

In today’s fast-paced online environment, the average attention span for videos is just 2.7 seconds. As a result, going into long introductions is a serious mistake. The first few seconds are critical for audience engagement.

To attract and retain your audience’s attention, make those precious seconds count by presenting clear and intriguing content from the start.

3. Neglecting Mobile Optimisation

With mobile devices accounting for more than 70% of video views, failing to optimise for mobile is an alarming mistake. Accessibility and engagement on smaller screens are critical to a successful video strategy. 

Failure to optimise your videos for mobile devices not only limits your reach but also impairs the viewing experience for a large section of your audience.

4. Poor Audio Quality

Quality audio is an essential component of video creation. When 85% of viewers are likely to abandon a video if the audio quality is poor, it is evident that investing in a good microphone is a must-do step. 

The auditory experience contributes greatly to total video-watching happiness, and sacrificing this aspect might result in a major loss of audience engagement.

5. Lack of Storytelling

The importance of storytelling in videos cannot be overemphasized. Videos with a captivating narrative receive 2.5 times more clicks than those without one. Developing a narrative that resonates with your audience does more than just transmit facts; it also establishes an emotional connection.

Neglecting this component robs your videos of the depth and engagement that a well-crafted story can provide.

6. Overlooking SEO

While creating visually engaging content is vital, search engine optimisation (SEO) is often overlooked. Videos that are optimised with relevant keywords and descriptions can increase organic search traffic by up to 157%.

Integrating SEO strategies into your video strategy improved discoverability, allowing your content to reach a larger audience via search engine results. 

7. Ignoring Analytics

The relevance of video analytics cannot be overstated. In a world where 81% of businesses are already using video analytics to improve their strategies, ignoring this tool is a major disadvantage.

Regularly analysing performance analytics allows you to better understand viewer behaviour, preferences, and engagement patterns, allowing you to customise your video content for maximum impact.

8. Forgetting a Clear Call-To-Action (CTA)

A video without a clear call-to-action (CTA) is like an unfinished story. Videos with a well-placed CTA have a conversion rate of 45%. Guiding your viewers through the following steps, whether it’s completing a purchase, subscribing, or engaging more with your business, ensures that your videos serve a purpose other than just viewership.

9. Neglecting Regular Updates

In today’s ever-changing digital market, failing to update your video content regularly is a typical misstep. Updating outdated videos can boost conversion rates by 20%, keep audiences interested, and ensure relevance. 

Consistent updates not only demonstrate a commitment to staying current but also help to sustain engagement with your audience over time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let’s go over some frequently asked questions from executives about the common mistakes to avoid when creating videos for websites.

Ideally, keep it between one and two minutes. Attention spans are short, making brief content more likely to be digested.

Both ways may be beneficial. While content repurposing with updated information or a new perspective can save time, developing new video content allows you to stay current and maintain a dynamic online presence.

Encourage viewer involvement by asking questions, soliciting feedback, or conducting polls within your videos. Respond swiftly to comments to promote a sense of community and involvement with your content.


We hope this blog has helped you understand the potential problems of creating videos for your website. Avoiding these mistakes can not only improve your brand’s online presence but will also contribute to higher engagement and conversion rates.

As you consider your existing video content strategy, ask yourself: Are your website videos having the desired impact? 

Understand that your audience is looking for content that resonates and engages them. Make the most of this opportunity and let your videos thrive.

Ready to elevate your website videos? Connect with our experts today for personalised guidance on creating compelling, audience-centric video content. 

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Latha Karthigaa

Latha Karthigaa, founder of Brandupwise (BUW) Marketing, is dedicated to improving lead generation for medium to large enterprises. Her strategic insights focus on lead generation, client acquisition, and most important of all educating the businesses and their internal teams about sustainable growth. As a transformative force in the industry, she reshapes the narrative of success for every business under her expert guidance.


Latha Karthigaa
Latha Karthigaa

Director, Brandupwise

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