Learn how a UK-based B2B company improved its credibility and generated high-value leads through website redesign and targeted LinkedIn marketing efforts.

Case Study

Revamping a B2B Code Review Tool’s Marketing and Lead Generation Strategy

In today’s competitive B2B landscape, having a comprehensive marketing strategy is critical to driving growth and success. The marketing efforts of a UK-based code review tool provider were transformed by a holistic approach that included a website revamp and LinkedIn lead generation. The outcome was greater engagement and high-value prospects, as illustrated in this case study.

Project Overview

Our client, a UK-based B2B company, offers a code review tool with services provided across the UK, Australia, and the USA. They target a specialised community of between 600,000 and 1 million people, and one of their biggest challenges was the $100,000 yearly licensing charge. 

The decision-makers for purchasing this tool are usually middle and senior managers, necessitating a targeted marketing strategy. The organisation came to us because they didn’t have a defined marketing strategy and a low website conversion rate.

The Challenges

The client encountered a range of challenges that hindered their ability to effectively market their product and generate leads. These challenges affected every aspect of their marketing efforts, from the functionality of their website to their overall plan. The following were the primary challenges they encountered:

1. Low website conversions: Despite having a functional website, it lacked the credibility needed to instil trust and convert visitors into leads.

2. No clear marketing strategy: They were utilising the wrong platforms and producing ineffective content, with no targeted market entry strategy for key regions such as the UK, Australia, and the USA.

3. Underuse of digital platforms: With no dedicated marketing team, they lacked the expertise to properly leverage digital tools like LinkedIn and Google for effective lead generation.

4. Disconnected marketing efforts: The absence of a cohesive, unified strategy meant they struggled to compete, despite having visibility into what their competitors were doing.

Our Solution:

To effectively tackle the client’s challenges, we implemented a well-rounded strategy that enhanced their digital presence, optimised lead generation, and strengthened their sales process. Our approach included the following key initiatives:

1. Website Redesign: We completely revamped the website, focusing on creating a professional, high-value design that better reflected the premium nature of their product. To increase trust and credibility, the branding, fonts, and overall visual presentation were all updated.

2. Case Studies: We have included thorough case studies on the website to help in decision-making. These gave prospective customers the information they needed to comprehend the value of the product by showcasing the challenges, the solution, the steps, and the cost savings.

3. Lead Capture Optimisation: We added event pages, blogs, infographics, and case studies to the website with the goal of increasing lead nurturing. These features are all intended to collect users’ email addresses and strengthen follow-up strategies.

4. LinkedIn Marketing Strategy: Considering how important LinkedIn is to this customer, we used a focused strategy that consisted of:
Hosting LinkedIn events, with the first attracting over 600 attendees.
– Leveraging LinkedIn for lead generation and email nurturing.
– Optimising the LinkedIn profiles of the co-founders to expand their personal networks and build trust.
– Developing brochures with case studies to guide potential clients through the sales process.

5. Sales Process Optimisation: We optimised the client’s sales process by creating useful brochures to distribute to prospects after their initial contact. Before seeing product demos, this gave prospects a better grasp of the benefits of the product.

The Results

Our strategy delivered impressive results, positioning the client as a credible and trusted player in their niche market. By focusing on a multi-channel approach, we not only enhanced their online presence but also generated significant engagement and high-quality leads. The key results included:

1. LinkedIn Reach: In just the first two months, the client’s exposure in their extremely specialist group increased thanks to our LinkedIn-focused efforts, which helped them reach over 20,000 people through events and content.

2. High-Value Leads: Our focused strategy was beneficial as the customer obtained valuable leads from prestigious organisations such as the Department of Internal Affairs in Washington, Salesforce, Holiday Inn Australia, DIRECTV, and other firms.

3. Stronger Personal Connections: We enhanced personal connections with the target audience by enhancing the co-founders’ LinkedIn profiles. This led to the development of deeper relationships and an improvement in brand credibility.

4. Enhanced Trust: The client’s credibility was greatly increased by the redesigned website and the inclusion of in-depth case studies, which helped to close several important deals.

Project Cost

The project included a full website redesign, a comprehensive LinkedIn marketing strategy, sales process optimisation, and lead nurturing services. The total cost for the project was an initial onboarding investment of £3,000, followed by a monthly recurring fee of £6,000. 

This investment provided the client with a complete end-to-end marketing package tailored to their needs, offering exceptional value and supporting their business growth.


This case study highlights the impact of a carefully crafted marketing strategy that integrates digital tools and personal engagement. Through a revamped online presence and targeted LinkedIn lead generation, we helped the client build trust and attract high-quality leads.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We offer flexible marketing services with no obligatory contracts or commitments. However, if you prefer, we can create a customised contract that offers a 10% discount over a 12-month period, tailored to your business needs.

Yes, you can! As your business grows or your needs evolve, our team is always ready to help you expand your marketing efforts. Simply reach out to our friendly team, and we’ll work with you to seamlessly incorporate additional services into your existing plan, ensuring your marketing strategy continues to align with your business goals.

Yes, we monitor KPIs weekly across all platforms to assess the impact of our campaigns. We provide a detailed monthly report, highlighting campaign performance, areas for improvement, and actionable insights to enhance your marketing strategy further.

Your primary responsibilities include attending the kick-start meeting and weekly status meetings, where we review progress and plan the next steps. You’ll also need to provide the necessary credentials for accessing relevant platforms and share timely feedback throughout the project. 

We require the monthly retainer fee in advance to commence services. Payments can be made via bank transfer, and invoice details will be provided. Setting up a direct debit for ongoing retainers can simplify the process. In the event that payment is not received within a week of the deadline, services will be temporarily suspended, with prior notification, and resumed promptly once payment is received. 

Yes,  our marketing strategies are designed to be flexible and highly effective, no matter the industry. Whether you’re in retail, technology, hospitality, healthcare, or any other sector, we tailor our approach to meet the unique needs of your business

Your project will be overseen by a dedicated project manager who will coordinate tasks with the technical team. Their role is to ensure the smooth execution of the project, allowing you to focus on your business while we handle the operational details.

If you’re looking to optimise your B2B marketing efforts, improve conversions, and drive growth, we’re here to help.

  • Email us at support@brandupwise.com, or
  • Book a free consultation: www.calendly.com/brandupwise/strategy-consultation.

You’ll get the same guidance and support that we give to our clients.

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