Author name: sudhakaran

Why is LinkedIn powerful for B2B businesses?

Presently, LinkedIn has gained great hype when we talk about establishing professional relationships online. Why is that so? What features of LinkedIn have brought humongous significance for business professionals? This newsletter talks all about LinkedIn – Why is it powerful? How is it ruling the internet on the professional front? LinkedIn is the world’s largest …

Why is LinkedIn powerful for B2B businesses? Read More »

How to determine your monthly LinkedIn Ads budget?

How to determine your monthly LinkedIn Ads budget?  One of the most common questions asked by our clients and our webinar attendees is “What is the minimum monthly investment for LinkedIn ads?” The answer isn’t generic for every B2B business. It depends on the business goals, i.e., the number of clients that the business would …

How to determine your monthly LinkedIn Ads budget? Read More »

B2B Marketing – Digital Presence in the New Economy

B2B Marketing – Digital Presence in the New Economy  : In the old days, when a potential customer was researching you and your business, you would know it, because they would have to call you or visit your store. These days, though, customers secretly research you online, and they get all the necessary information from …

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B2B Marketing – Top 3 Reasons to use LinkedIn ads for B2B businesses

B2B Marketing – Top 3 Reasons to use LinkedIn ads for B2B businesses  : Are you struggling to generate leads for your B2B business? Are you looking for different possible ways to grow & scale your business digitally? Then, LinkedIn is one of the BEST platforms to generate leads for B2B Businesses. Though there are …

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Understanding the Customer Journey for B2B Businesses

Understanding the Customer Journey for B2B Businesses  : Are you struggling to generate leads for your B2B business? If your business is experiencing such a situation, then getting familiarised with the B2B customer journey is very important. The B2B customer journey is the collection of touchpoints and interactions a customer has with a B2B company, from their very first …

Understanding the Customer Journey for B2B Businesses Read More »

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